Tag Archives: SEO Ultimate Plus

How to Rollback WordPress 5.0 to a Previous Version

The blog post How to Rollback WordPress 5.0 to a Previous Version was first published to https://www.seoultimateplus.com

Experts Answer: Your Most Burning Questions About WordPress Plugin



WordPress plugins make life smooth. There are different types of plugins which are available. However, picking the best one among the bunch becomes a bit of a challenge. In the below article, Radomir Basta speaks to various experts for their advice.

19 Experts Share their Advice on the Best SEO and WordPress Plugins

Search engines are still major sources of traffic for most websites. Even though we live in a fast-paced world, where everything is constantly changing, one thing remains the same – investing in SEO still, pays off. It’s something that every single person, brand, and business which operates online should think about.

In case you didn’t know, more than 75 percent of the global desktop search traffic comes through Google. With mobile and tablet devices, the results are even higher. As the same study from NetMarketShare reports, the world’s most popular engine accounts for a whopping 94 percent of all mobile/tablet search traffic globally. Having in mind that Google counts 3.5 billion searches per day on average, we could easily agree that these are some truly impressive numbers. Especially when you add these findings to MarketingDive’s study, which claims that effectiveness via SEO is still on the rise. Read more here…

Experts suggestion on the plugin is appreciated. However, the most important question which one will need to answer is what he/she is looking to extract out of a WordPress SEO plugin? In the following article, Neil Patel discusses on how to make your website an SEO powerhouse through plugins.

10 WordPress Plugins to Turn Your Site Into an SEO Powerhouse

SEO Plugins

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What steps have you taken to ensure that your WordPress blog is friendly for search engines? If you can’t answer this question, now’s the time to take a step back and reassess your situation. Conversely, even if you’ve taken some action, there’s still a good chance that there are still improvements that you can make. Click here to read more about top 10 plugins.

Plugins can help a business to take it to the next level. In the below video from SEOUltimateplus, one can see how SEO is made simple.

The Best WordPress SEO Plugin: SEO Ultimate + New Features

Do leave your feedback about the plugin in the comments section of YouTube Video.

The article Experts Answer: Your Most Burning Questions About WordPress Plugin was first published to https://seoultimateplus.com/

What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Get Hits


When your content does not get hits

There can be numerous reasons as to why your content is not getting desired results. In today’s article, we will look at various reasons for not getting shares and what type of articles should be done. How we can target content based on audience among other things. In the following article, Daniel Mathews provides his input on how to overcome this problem.

Why No One Is Sharing Your Content (And How To Solve The Problem)

Content that goes unshared is like a commercial that no one sees.1 It’s had time, money and energy invested into it. It’s even got an agenda; a product to push. But no one sees it. Therefore it might as well not exist.

So how do you ensure your content doesn’t sink into the depths of obscurity? How do you find the magic formula to achieve social shares and referral traffic?

Well, there is no magic formula, but you can learn a thing or two from how Josepf Haslam, senior director of SEO at EducationDynamics, puts it:

“I tell my content creation team they have only one KPI. Was their content shared or not? Is it share-worthy?

If they think they wrote a fantastic piece and technically it looks good – it’s got the right metadata, great keyword structure, and so on – but nobody shares it, it isn’t good in my eyes.”

Even technically sound content doesn’t deliver ROI if no one shares it. Read more here…

Writing great content takes time and effort. One needs to ensure that the content which they are producing adds value to the end user along with a different perspective. In the below article, Corey Wainwright provides some tips on writing catchy headlines which readers cannot avoid.

How to Write Catchy Headlines and Blog Titles Your Readers Can’t Resist

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It’s one thing to write great content, but it’s another thing to get it read and ranked — which is where nailing the title comes in.

Titles are what sell the content. They represent it in search engines, in email, and on social media. It’s no surprise, then, that some of the most common questions we get concern crafting titles. Read the entire article here…

So titles or headlines is one thing, the other most important aspect is the matter in the body. In the following video, Adam Erhart provides some advice on how to create business boosting content confidently.

How To Write Great Content – Content Marketing For Your Blog, Website, Or Ads

How To Write Great Content – Content Marketing For Your Blog, Website, Or Ads

Content marketing is one of the most effective, cost-efficient, and all around best marketing strategies to drive leads and sales.

But the key to content marketing is understanding that your results are directly tied to the quality of your content.

So in this video, I’m going to cover 5 easy to follow tips for writing great content. Click here to watch and comment on the YouTube page.

What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Get Hits Read more on: https://seoultimateplus.com/

Why an SEO Content Audit Is So Important?

It is important to gauge and evaluate the kind of response your content is getting from your target audience. The best way to do it is through SEO Content audit from time to time. A content Audit can help an organization know exactly what is working and what isn’t.

In the following article, Thomas Stern talks about how to assess your customer needs along with goals.

How to conduct an SEO content audit

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Google has thrown a ton of changes at marketers over the last few years. From major algorithm updates to voice search, all of these changes follow Google’s ultimate goal of creating the best search experience for its users.

The upshot is that it’s not enough to develop and optimize website content for just search engines anymore. As better language processing has become a major focus for improving search results, your brand’s site content is no longer speaking to search engines alone, but to actual people.

To appeal to both people and search engines, brands must evaluate their site content through an audit process to discover what may (or may not) be working and determine where to improve. A website content audit is the cornerstone of your entire content strategy.

When done right, a content audit helps to determine whether your website content is relevant to not only your brand goals and marketing objectives, but also to the customer’s needs. Audits can identify problems with accuracy, consistency, voice, and tone; they can also provide direction for SEO. Click here to read complete article…

Mind you, a content audit is a tedious task. It takes time and resource. However, it plays an important role in SEO. In the following video, Donna Spencer breaks down how to audit the content of a large website, step by step.

How To Conduct A Content Audit

Do leave your feedback in the comments section of the YouTube page by clicking here…

It is important that one defines the problem area, Positives, and scope for improvement. In the following video, Stephen Kenwright talks about taking care of content which does not add any value.

How to audit and fix thin content with no value

Do leave your feedback on the Youtube page here…

Once you’ve found what content isn’t working for you, you can focus on optimizing the pages that are by using a WordPress SEO plugin that makes it easy for you to stand out from your competition.

The following post Why an SEO Content Audit Is So Important? is available on WordPress SEO Plugin

The Most Common SEO Errors to Avoid

There are times when we don’t get the expected traffic or engagement. It is probably due to certain errors which have happened unknowingly during SEO. In today’s article, we will discuss some of the most common WordPress SEO mistakes and how to avoid them. In the below article, Kristopher Jones talks about mistakes which look small but has a big impact.

5 easy-to-miss SEO mistakes blogs make

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Is your content great, but not ranking? Columnist Kristopher Jones shares some of the more common SEO errors bloggers and content marketers make. The digital marketing landscape has evolved significantly over the last two decades. And between Google’s ever-changing algorithm and the deluge of misinformation floating through the digital marketing sphere, it’s easy to lose sight of basic practices we should be employing in our own SEO and content marketing strategies.

With every new algorithm update and technological shift in search, we become obsessed with how the field of SEO will enter a wholly new paradigm, and we shift our focus to reflect this. Yet as much as the medium may change, the core principles remain the same — and it’s time to get back to the basics.

We all understand the secrets and best practices of SEO, so why do we often fail to leverage these tactics? Let’s explore five common blogging mistakes you may be making right now. Click here to read the entire article…

Apart from technical and onsite errors, it is important that marketing agencies also focus on other common errors. In the below video Andy Drinkwater, Bastian Grimm, Eric Enge, and Nick Wilsdon take an in-depth at the most harmful SEO mistakes that are detrimental to your website’s health.

Most Harmful SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Some of the points we will cover are:

00:17 Research – too many people are willing to listen to a friend or colleague without performing some level of due diligence and asking questions
07:57 UX Issues – are people happy on your site? how can you find out what is wrong and what you can do to fix it
19:20 Linkbuilding & Outreach – how to be more successful with your link building efforts
34:13 Slow loading sites – almost ties in with UX, but is that important, it needs to be discussed separately
43:47 Hidden technical issues – many sites can suffer due to a whole host of technical problems

You can leave the feedback under the comments section of SEMrush YouTube video page by clicking here…

The way SEO is done has changed over the years, thanks to changes in Google’s algorithm. There is another interesting article from Alexander Kesler, discussing common SEO mistakes which can be avoided.

The 10 Most Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

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Optimizing your website and blog is an essential element of your content marketing strategy. While SEO is changing, it stays on top of marketers’ agendas as it is a powerful way to bring visitors to your company’s outlets and to direct them towards your sales funnel.

SEO methods are constantly evolving due to search engines’ developments and users’ changing perspectives. It is not that easy to stay on top of the most successful optimization techniques, with many businesses falling into the trap of incorrectly doing SEO. Instead of seeing massive traffic and increasing conversion rates, the results can be quite the opposite. Read the full article…

The following article The Most Common SEO Errors to Avoid was originally published to https://seoultimateplus.com/

Different Ways to Earn Links Naturally

Link Building is an integral part of SEO. Links are of two types 1) Inbound and 2) Outbound. In today’s article, we will discuss how to earn links naturally without spamming. In the below article, Chuck Price talks about how link building should be used as per webmaster guidelines.

10 Types of Content That Will Earn Links Naturally

Link Building

When it comes to earning natural links, it’s our responsibility as SEO professionals and digital marketers to know what should (or potentially could) work, as well as what won’t.

Trying to game the system with spam tactics (e.g., paid links) will never work in the long term. Google will always catch up to the wrongdoers, especially in the age of Google Penguin 4.0. Click on the link for entire post…

Link building has received a lot of flak. However, if used effectively it can be one of the lethal tools for digital marketing. A link from authority site has more value than a link from a site which is new. In the following article, Brian Dean tells us why and how of the Link Building process.

LINK BUILDING FOR SEO: The Definitive Guide (2017 Update)

Why are links still so important? To understand that, you’ll need to hop in your Delorean and go back to the pre-Google days of the internet. Back in the day, search engines like Yahoo! and Alta Vista (remember them?) were the dominant players. And they ranked their search results 100% based on the content on a webpage.

Enter: Google.

Their now-famous PageRank Algorithm changed the game. Instead of simply analyzing the content of a page, Google looked at how many people linked to that page.

And they were right. Nearly 20 years later, links are STILL the best way to determine the quality of a webpage. That’s why backlinks remain Google’s go-to ranking signal.

That said, thanks to updates like Google Penguin, Google now focuses on link quality (not just link quantity). Access the complete guide by clicking here…

Link Building has evolved and with it the way it is done as well. In the following video, Charles Floate speaks about link building strategy for a brand new website.

Link Building Strategy For A Brand New Site – 2017 Backlink SEO Tutorial

In this video, I’ll be showing you how I build backlinks in 2017 for a brand new niche affiliate site. This link building strategy covers everything, step-by-step. Do leave your comments below video on the YouTube page by clicking here…

Different Ways to Earn Links Naturally Find more on: http://www.seoultimateplus.com

How Good SEO Can Ease Your Pain


How WordPress SEO Can Ease Your Pain

We all know that WordPress is one of the most preferred CMS platforms in the world, and we know that SEO plays an important role in creating visibility for our business. In WordPress, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process through which websites are optimized for both on page and off page configuration that help you rank for your keywords in the search engines like Google and Bing.

In the following article, Mike Johnson dwells into more details about WordPress SEO for beginners.

Beginner WordPress SEO: How to Setup and Optimize Your Blog

Want higher rankings in Google?

Then you need to start optimizing your WordPress blog for SEO on Day 1.

You have to understand that Search Engine Optimization in 2017 is focused on high-quality content and user engagement. Those are the key terms you are likely to hear as you begin your SEO education.

Beginner WordPress SEO is not just for beginners.

WordPress SEO is for anyone who wants to make sure their blog is set up and optimized for SEO. This ensures that every time you create a new post or page, your site will rank faster and higher EVERY TIME ALL THE TIME! Read more here…

WordPress has a wide range of plugins for carrying out various activities including SEO. In the following article Neil Patel talks about hottest WordPress plugins.


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How to Dominate SEO With the 46 Hottest WordPress Plugins

f you have a WordPress site, you’re probably running several plugins. There are currently 50,320 plugins available on WordPress.org. And there are hundreds more that are available outside of WordPress.

It’s safe to say that plugins are popular.

There are plugins for just about everything, including SEO. (Right now there are 219 pages full of SEO plugins on WordPress.org.). Click here to get the complete list

SEOUltimate+ from SEO Design Solutions is another popular plugin with more than 2 million downloads. The plugin has over 20 different modules and features which lets one stay ahead of the competition. Check below video below from Jeffrey Smith.

SEO Ultimate WordPress Plugin Tutorial

Share your feedback on the video page by clicking here.

How Good SEO Can Ease Your Pain is available on https://www.seoultimateplus.com/

Top WordPress Plugins You Should Know About

The beauty of WordPress is that it makes complex things simple with the help of plugins. In this article, we will talk about some of the Top WordPress plugins which one should know about. In the following article, Neil Patel speaks about his favorite WordPress plugins. Remember, there are more than 52,000 plugins which are available on WordPress.

How to Dominate SEO With the 46 Hottest WordPress Plugins

Wordpress SEO

If you have a WordPress site, you’re probably running several plugins. There are currently 50,320 plugins available on WordPress.org. And there are hundreds more that are available outside of WordPress.

It’s safe to say that plugins are popular.

There are plugins for just about everything, including SEO. (Right now there are 219 pages full of SEO plugins on WordPress.org.)

So you might be wondering what the best SEO plugins are.

I’m going to show you my 46 favorite plugins for all things SEO. Even if you only use a handful, you’re guaranteed to improve your SEO. You can read the entire article here…

So this is not the only WordPress plugins. There are some more plugins which are must have. In the below article, professional blogger Tom Ewer discusses essential WordPress plugins.

37 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Install If You Haven’t Already

Seo Plugin

While WordPress offers a ton of features and flexibility, there is still a lot of functionality missing from the core software. The best way to fill in the missing pieces, of course, is to get yourself the right plugins.

So here’s a collection of free and premium must-haves, the WordPress plugins that can help take your site from good to great. I’ve included options for everything from caching the image optimization to security and membership. Get the complete list by clicking here…

That’s not all..there are some best WordPress plugins which every site should have. In the below video, MartieDread walks us through must have plugins.

Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins EVER! (Free WordPress Plugins)

In this video, we are going to going through what I personally think are some of the best WordPress plugins available online today.

These are WordPress plugins I install on nearly every site I create, and I would definitely recommend checking them out yourself. Don’t forget to leave your comments or feedback on YouTube under comments section by clicking here…


Top WordPress Plugins You Should Know About was originally published to https://www.seoultimateplus.com

The Semantic Web: Why You Should Pay Attention

What is the Semantic Web?

Simply put, the Semantic Web is a more intelligent version of the web as we know it. Instead of just focusing on the structure of online data, it is more concerned with the semantics (i.e., meaning) of such data and how they relate to one another, as provided by descriptions and context clues that a machine such as a web crawler can read.

It is built on three primary technical standards:

  • Resource Description Framework (RDF) – This is the data modeling language used by the Semantic Web. Whatever data it works with is represented and stored in this format.
  • SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) – As the name implies, this is the official query language the Semantic Web uses. It is designed to fetch data from across different systems.
  • Web Ontology Language (OWL) – This is the knowledge representation (KR) or schema language used by the Semantic Web. It allows you to define fully composable concepts (i.e., can be assembled and combined with other concepts in virtually unlimited ways) for whatever purpose.

The Semantic Web is the brainchild of World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee. It was the result of the realization that while the search engines of old are able to index web pages, they cannot do much in terms of identifying and retrieving exactly what the user is looking for. This is why, at the time, websites can just write keywords repeatedly all over their pages to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

How exactly does the Semantic Web impact online search?

Most of the traditional web makes use of unstructured data, which are basically bits and pieces of data that are not classified or arranged in any sort of meaningful or predefined way. The result is that while search engines could pick out patterns within web pages using the keywords available, they had no way of interpreting them.

In contrast the Semantic Web is designed to significantly improve the quality of search results because, again, it relies on machine-readable descriptions, context clues and logical methods of storing and linking data to give keywords meanings and determine just how relevant they actually are to the user.

The concepts behind the Semantic Web also have applications outside of search engines. In fact, they are currently being used in online advertising, analytics and database management. But that’s not all you can do with them. In theory, they can also be applied to pretty much any form of technology that uses linked data. For the purposes of this post, however, we’ll focus solely on how they are used for semantic search.

Semantic search and triplestores

Semantic search, as the name implies, is just online search in the context of the Semantic Web. It primarily uses what are called triplestores to import and export structured data and ultimately give meaning to the search keywords people use.

A triplestore, on the other hand, is a database of triples, which are essentially just collections of linked entities (we’ll talk about entities in greater detail in the next section) that typically have all the components of a basic sentence: a subject, a predicate and an object. It is typically presented in the form of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

Take this sentence, for example: “Gretsch makes guitars.” In this case, “Gretsch” is the subject, “guitars” is the object and “makes” is the predicate that links them together. For triples, the subject and the object are both considered entities and the predicate is the relationship between the two.

What is an entity and what is its significance to semantic search?

Entities are basically just a person, place, object or pretty much any kind of concept that we can assign some sort of meaning to. In terms of semantic search, entities, as we have seen in the preceding section, do not exist alone but are given context based on how it relates to other entities.

Say you searched for the band Hall and Oates. Instead of just looking up web pages that contain the keywords, a semantic search engine would try to figure out what exactly these words mean based on all the other entities associated with them like song and album titles, music videos and tour dates. By doing so, it can then pick out exactly the content you need.

Enter: Google’s Knowledge Graph

Of course, we cannot talk about search without mentioning Google. The world’s leading search engine has also fortified its semantic search capabilities by developing its very own proprietary knowledge base called Knowledge Graph. It basically collects all the information it can get – from various credible sources online – on the keywords people use and then figures out how they are connected to each other.

Simply put, this knowledge base is designed to help Google’s search engine determine just how relevant a web page is to the user based on what it knows about the keyword they used, the website which the page is a part of and the actual contents of the page. In effect, it has forever changed how the company’s web crawlers interpret keywords. Instead of seeing a specific search term as no more than a meaningless set of characters, they now view it as an entity that has a clear context and meaning.

What does all this mean for the SEO professional?

Well, more and more websites are becoming more Semantic Web-friendly. Instead of just focusing on which keywords to use, content creators and SEO professionals are now crafting, storing and linking content in ways that are more meaningful to web crawlers. This means that if you stick to traditional SEO techniques, then sooner or later, you’ll inevitably end up losing the SEO game.

But traditional SEO techniques are still far from being obsolete

Keep in mind that no matter how great your SEO and semantic web optimization (SWO) strategy is, the thing the user gets to see first is still the link to your content. This means that while it is important to make sure that your content is machine-readable, you still need to make sure that it is as attractive as possible when it appears on SERPs.

Take a look at the two screenshots below:

example of basic search result

Screenshot 1: Example of a basic search result.

example of a more detailed search result

Screenshot 2: Example of a more detailed search result.

Google pulled both of these up when we searched for “brownie recipe.” Which one will you be more likely to click? Our guess is that unless you are actually looking for the most popular brownie recipe on Pinterest, you’ll most likely choose the second one. And why wouldn’t you? It captures your attention by showing you a photo of super fudgy brownies and then reels you in by giving you a preview of the actual recipe that piques your interest but leaves you hanging and eager to learn more.

What do you need to do?

The first thing you should do is craft your content to be more Semantic Web-friendly. This means making it crystal clear to web crawlers what exactly it is you are talking about. For instance, if you are running a website about “magic” (i.e. magic tricks), you need to make sure that the way you write your content makes it obvious that you are not talking about, let’s say, the deck-building game, the song by hip-hop artist B.o.B, the NBA team or the band.

A great way to do so is to focus on writing for people instead of search engines because it forces you to organically use keywords that are 100% related to the topic that you are talking about instead of just randomly inserting keywords in the hopes of getting Google’s attention.

But, if you want to be a bit more nitpicky about the whole thing, you can also use a service like texttools to not only figure out exactly what keywords are most associated with the topic you are writing about, but also how much of each keyword you should use for best results.

The second step is to use schemas to mark up your pages. A schema is a type of vocabulary that describes microdata. Microdata, on the other hand, is a type of specification designed to nest metadata (i.e, data or information that describes other pieces of data) within the content of a web page. It allows web crawlers, search engines and browsers to make sense of what a piece of content is all about by making it not only human-readable, but machine-readable as well.

Schema.org, an open community collaboration between Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Yandex, has schemas that do not only make sense to their respective search engines, but are also usable in other channels such as email and even Pinterest. This ultimately allows webmasters and SEO professionals to optimize their content for a wide variety of platforms in one go – which is exactly why you should be using it.

As of April 2017, Schema.org’s core vocabulary is made up of a total of 114 Enumeration values, 589 Types and a whopping 860 Properties. Needless to say, we won’t be able to list all of them down in this post. But here’s an example to give you an idea of how it works:

Basic HTML5 markup:

My name is Tyler Roberts. I’m the head of the New Technologies Department of the
TR Science and Technology Hub. My friends call me Ty. You can learn more about me
at www.TRSTH.com.


Schema.org markup:

My name is
Tyler Roberts,
I’m the
head of the New Technologies Department
of the
TR Science and Technology Hub.
My friends call me
You can learn more about me at


As you can see, the second block of code uses Schema.org vocabularies to tag and describe all the important details in the section and make them machine-readable, all to make them more semantic search-friendly.

If you wish to learn more about schemas and Schema.org, you can visit the official website of the project by clicking here.

Now, once you get this whole thing down, you can move on to making sure that your content is as attractive as it can be once it comes up on SERPs. A great way to do so is by using rich snippets.

What are rich snippets?

Well, before we can answer this question, we must first define what snippets are. Basically, snippets are the descriptions you see under search results, as in the example below:

Rich snippets are practically the same thing but they show more information and fall into nine distinct categories:

  1. People – provides the searcher with a quick overview of useful information regarding a person, such as their profession, biography, family and notable accomplishments 
  2. Products – displays relevant information about a particular consumer good 
  3. Reviews – provides the searcher glimpse of what other people think about a certain product, service or establishment 
  4. Events – displays a summary of important event details like schedules, venues, titles and performers’ names 
  5. Recipes – gives the searcher a quick preview of the actual recipe along with a photo of the finished product 
  6. Local Businesses and Organizations – provides the searcher a quick overview of what a business establishment has to offer
  7. Music – displays relevant album information like song lists, release dates, genres, nominations, awards won, all in addition to each album’s cover 
  8. Videos – shows a thumbnail of the video along with a quick description and other relevant details 
  9. Software – works essentially the same way as the products rich snippet but exclusively for application and software products 


Again, as we have demonstrated earlier, searchers no longer just click the top items on SERPs. Instead, they are now choosing those that they deem most relevant based on the available information under each link. Rich snippets allow you to capitalize on this in a big way, so be sure to use them whenever you can.

The bottom line: the only way to conquer the Semantic Web is to combine SEO and SWO techniques

You can no longer rely solely on traditional SEO techniques if you want to stay ahead of the competition in the Semantic Web. You need to also start marking up your pages to support semantic search. Keep in mind that semantic search engines need all the help they can get when it comes to understanding your content. Otherwise, they’ll look elsewhere for answers.

Think of the whole thing as baking a cake where SWO is the cake and SEO is the icing. You wouldn’t serve either component alone, right? You need both to get the job done, but you always start with the cake (i.e., great Semantic Web-friendly content) and then cover it up with the icing (a solid SEO strategy).


The following article The Semantic Web: Why You Should Pay Attention was originally seen on WordPress SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization And Digital Marketing Both Go Hand In Hand

Search Engine Optimization

In today’s time, SEO is not the only thing that matters. Digital marketing plays a very important role along with Search Engine Optimization. SEO provides the much-needed platform whereas digital marketing can help in attaining reach. In the following article By Gianluca Fiorelli talks about SEO and Digital trends to keep in mind for the year 2017.

SEO and Digital Trends in 2017

The main purpose of this post is to offer ideas and open a constructive discussion around the future of SEO and digital marketing over the next 12 months. It was an intense year, especially when it came to SEO and Google in particular. Because I’m deeply convinced that we cannot attempt any preview of the future without considering what happened in the past, I invite you to look back at the events that have marked the evolution of Google in the past 10 months.

It is important to note that, contrary to more classic Google timelines, I prefer to see all Google-related events in the same place. I believe it’s the only way we can escape from a too-narrow vision of where Google is headed. Click here to read more…


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Check out the video below from Search Engine Land.

What Is Search Engine Optimization / SEO

Don’t know what search engine optimization is? Know someone who needs easy to understand overview of SEO? That’s what this video provides, in three minutes. Do provide your inputs on the Youtube Channel.

However, it is not possible to implement an elaborate optimization strategy without a good CMS as a base. WordPress which was started as a blogging platform in 2003 has come up a long way. It is one of the preferred choice business. WordPress SEO is far more simple compared to SEO on other platforms. In the following article, Albert Costill discusses big brands using WordPress as a platform.

What Makes WordPress the Best Platform for SEO?

What started out as a simple blogging tool has become arguably the leading content management system in the world.

In fact, WordPress is now used by 23.8% of all websites in the world.

Sites powered by WordPress include brands ranging from NASA, CNN, Forbes, The New York Times, TechCrunch, IZOD, Best Buy, GM, eBay, and even Jay Z’s LifeandTimes.com, to name just a few. Even Google’s Matt Cutts is a fan of WordPress, calling it “a fantastic piece of software.” You can read the full article here…


The article Search Engine Optimization And Digital Marketing Both Go Hand In Hand is republished from Best WordPress SEO Plugin